Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Me,15th Park Avenue with Julie and Julia

As usual my day started getting up offering prayers infront of my elevated temple( Yes..its different..coz have always seen gods and goddesses kept in a small temple in some sacred corners of our homes..so in this rented flat of Mumbai..whn I saw a temple installed in the wall..it was lil unusual for me..I have to stand in the chair in order to offer my prayers:(...I feel so short!!).Then after cooking food,reading newspaper and following some jobs in the jobsites, I decided to treat myself with a movie from the pack, I just got from friend yesterday.I decided to go for an Art movie, as my husband hates them, and I wanted to save the good romantic hits to be watched with him(Offcourse he hates them too...but at least he doesnt sleep in between).

So I selected 15th Park Avenue, as I like seeing Konkana Sen acting.She has acted a schizophreniac gal who thinks she is married and have 5 children.The movie is bit slow but slowly you start feeling her pain(if u r an emotional creature like me!!)..Its like, u have a different life altogether and ur loved ones disapprove it..they hate u from being in that world and wants u to get out of it..no matter what it costs!! Be it ..if a baba comes and beat her up with the broom justifying his act of pulling the evil spirit out of her.Imagine if ur loved ones do it to u!!She is raped for 3hours and is expected to be normal by her fiancee..can a Normal Human being be normal after such a heinous act..for god sake she is a schizophreniac!!And then is Shabaana Azmi, her elder sis, who is overly engrossed in applying the Concepts of Physics in her life, an overly protecting elder sis, who doesnt even have time to listen and understand what and why she is going through??It shows that ,with time we become so used to with our loved ones illness, that we no more feel the pain they are going through.A good piece of work by Aparna Sen.

I ended up feeling depressed which I dint want to. So now, I thought of lifting up my mood.So I picked up Julie and Julia.U have ur food..sit well ..watch the movie..and u will end up feeling hungry again:)..thats the movie all about.Julie, a blogger,fully confused about what she should be doing ,is searching for her identity.Her conviction to test all the recipes in the Julia Child's( the writer)book in 365 days and writing blogs about it, is just amazing( its a true story).Its nice to see her passion for Julia Child( a famous writer who taught Americans to cook French food..they say)..she talks to her/like her, while cooking.She dress herself like Julia on her Birthday and also acts like her.Meryl Streep as Julia is a darling.Her royal way of talking, walking and thinking along with the innocent smile is adorable.A must watch for foodies,aspiring cooks who are trying some hands on Blogging as well ;)..It made my day!!

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