Friday, March 12, 2010

Feel Good Factor

Give me some sunshine..
Give me some rain..
Give me another chance..
I wanna growup once again.
I remember those lyrics by heart, thanks to radio city which gives me opportunity to listen to some new good music, else I find only old music apt for my ears.But when my hubby distorted this song using his self made lyrics( I hate when anyone does that with good songs), I tried to correct him by reciting the original one.By now he is used to my irritation on spoiling good music( we are about to complete 1 year of our marriage), and doesnt do that intentionally..but he really cant help himself..and then he tried to come out of it saying ,"I dont need another sunshine, already have wife is there"..and he suceeded.Females are bound to get Bold, when they get compliments from their husband, as frequency is quite less after marriage;)


  1. hey, welcome to the blog world!
    and hope you enjoy.

  2. badda wala welcome hug hain ji :D
    soo glad to see you here..n hope you become a regular!!!
